Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tips For A New Student Nurse!

10 Things you need to know or get before starting a nursing course:

  1. First of all, you will need to get a early night and set an alarm!
    The very first day is going to be along day, you will have a lot of information thrown at you in one day, you are going to start feeling overwhelmed. You do not want to late on your first day.
  2. Take a pen and note pad, you are going to want to take notes.
    They will give you contact information for lectures, and what your going to being doing that first week and where you will be. Your going to need to write it down, or there is recording apps that can help with notes to.

  3. Take tea or coffee with you.
    Caffeine will become your best friend during the course. It will help you to stay a awake during lectures. Being a student nurse at university is not the same has some of the other course's that are in for 2-3 hours, 3 days a week. A nursing course can be Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm depending what university your going to, but your days will be long and tiring.
  4. Buy a planner or a diary and a wall planner. You will be given dates for things such as exams, assignment due days, when holidays are and so on. You are going to want to stay organised, because it can all get on top of you very fast.                                               
  5. Don't be scared to talk to other students on the day.
    I was lucky when I first started, I was there with 3 of my best friends. But everyone is feeling the same, everyone is scared and unsure on the first day, it's easy to make friends with other nursing students.
  6. You do not need to go into university in your clinical uniform.
    On my first day, there was girl who came in, in her uniform. You are only to wear your uniform on your clinical day, your lecturers will tell you what day of the week that will be and when it will start.
  7. Download the BNF app. It comes in useful! Trust me.
  8. Don't buy textbooks yet!
    The lecturers will let you know what textbooks you may need or look at and where you can get them from. But the one textbook I would every student nurse and nurse should have is The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures, this book is a nurses bible!
  9. Don't be scared to ask question.
    No question is a stupid question, everyone is probably thinking of the same question but no one will want to be the first to ask it.
  10. lastly, Stay positive.
    You are going to start feeling overwhelmed and maybe start to feel like that you cannot do it. But you can, everyone goes through this at one stage. I know I did, I am not sure how many times I sat and cried because I got that overwhelmed and was not organised at first. Make sure you have time to sit and relax and have some you time while you can because it may not last when your exams and assignment due dates are all coming up,

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